To order a PEP, or an IJP, product online you need to be registered at (PaDs) ( PaDS is a database held in common with some other psychoanalytic organizations. Your personal data is held in a secure form compliant with International law. You agree to this if you continue this registration process. To know more about the way we uses any personal data please click here: The form below is ONLY for individuals wishing to use a PEP, or an IJP, product for their own use. If you are ordering for someone else or for an Institution please contact the PaDS Sales Department ( We use PaDS, and emails, as the primary means of communication with our customers and it will be to your advantage to receive our messages. If you have any anti-spam protection on your email address be sure to enable mail from You should also keep your email address on PaDS up to date. You can do this at any time when visiting the site. To register on PaDS please complete the form below. As part of this process you will be sent an email to setup you PaDS password. You will then be taken on to the PEP/IJP secure order pages. As part of this registration/confirmation you will be automatically affiliated to American Psychoanalytic Association. This will allow you to receive any discounted rates allocated with this group. If you already have a PaDS user, please start entering your email and other details to allow us to check. |